Developmental Assessments for Children Ages 3-6
A deep understanding of learning disabilities and behavioural disorders is what we can offer to our young patients and their families.
Developmental Assessments for children aged 3-6 potentially identifies challenges such as language disorders, intellectual disability or global developmental delay, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, anxiety or mood disorders, oppositional defiant disorder, severe learning disability, and developmental coordination disorder.
Our clinicians use the best testing measures, and a collaborative approach that includes parent and, where appropriate, teacher input, to identify or rule out learning disabilities, behavioural disorders or simply delays in thinking.
Using comprehensive psychological assessments, our clinicians make the best possible recommendations for treatment (if necessary) as well as recommendations for accommodation and/or modifications in pre-school or grade school curriculums.
Through our clinical team’s years of combined experience, we have identified the most common behavioural concerns that parents or guardians have that are well-served by a Psychological Assessment:
- Inability to understand others or express themselves
- Struggles with only certain subjects in school or attentiveness to certain tasks at home
- Big Emotions
- Inability to focus, self-recognized or identified by others
- Inability to play appropriately with others
- Over aggressiveness
- Difficulty with change and/or transitions
Common Concerns for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Social- Communication and/or Restricted Interests
- Inability to make or keep eye contact
- Difficulty with directing appropriate facial expressions
- Difficulty developing friendships or keeping friends
- No use of gestures
- Difficulty sharing or showing objects to others
Repetitive Behaviours
- Intense interest in a certain topic (i.e. Dinosaurs, cartoon character, dresses, jewelry)
- Sensory aversions such as not liking bright lights, loud noises, or crowds
- Sensory seeking such as playing in water or sand, staring for extended periods of time
- Repetitive motor mannerisms such as flicking fingers in front of the eyes, holding hands in posture when not in use
- Rigid completion of tasks such as needing to finish reading an entire book before moving on to other things, or having special spots for objects to be placed in a room
Inquire About a Psychoeducational Assessment
If you, your family members, or your child are struggling, contact Edcommodate today to schedule a comprehensive psychoeducational assessment.
For pricing information, visit our official website's pricing page.